Coaching and quick wins
Aug 23, 2023
There are things you’ve done and wisdom you’ve gained that would be of great benefit to others. There are people in your network and people you’re loosely connected to who would gladly pay you for your time so they can pick fruit from your learning tree.
Regardless of where you are in your platform development journey, whether you’ve been doing this for years or you’re just getting underway, it’s wise to offer coaching options. It’s very likely that it may become one of your main sources of revenue, particularly in the early days of the development of your platform.
I’ve had the subject of coaching on my mind lately, partly because I’ve been doing a lot of it, but also because I have been receiving more questions than normal about the subject. In fact, here are some of the questions I’ve received in recent days about incorporating coaching into an online platform.
- How soon should I add coaching?
- How much should I charge for coaching?
- How long should an average coaching session be?
- Is it better to coach via phone, video, or in person?
- How do you structure your coaching sessions?
I have answers for each of these questions. They’re all relevant, and it makes good sense to ask them, but I want to focus on something equally as relevant to the coaching question right now. I’d like to talk about coaching and “quick wins.”
Most mature people who venture into the online space have a long-term strategy in mind. And if we don’t have a strategy, we at least have long-term goals that we’re aiming for. Sometimes people will seek the help of a coach to develop their long-term objectives, but more frequently than that, people seek the help of a coach to get some quick wins, interrupt slumps, or gain much-needed clarity if they’ve been feeling mentally or emotionally blocked.
As a coach, you have the privilege to help those who seek your guidance gain some quick wins. In doing that, you’re helping them get back on track and rediscover the joy of the platform they’ve been building up to this point.
And if you’re seeking to help people in this way, and you’d like to make coaching a major part of the services you offer, let me encourage you with five quick pointers that can help you structure your coaching services to best serve the needs of those who will reach out to you.
1. Build rapport and credibility
Coaching isn’t the same as counseling, but it is similar. In counseling contexts, therapists frequently speak about developing what’s called a “therapeutic alliance.” When this kind of alliance is formed between counselor and client, the client emotionally and volitionally joins the counselor in the work he or she is attempting to do. This is the stage when trust is formed and counsel is more readily received.
In the coaching world, this is valuable as well. We want to gain the trust of those we’re trying to serve. I think that’s often done by demonstrating our personal investment in what they’re building. Are we doing our best to be good listeners? Are we demonstrating competency in the subject they’re seeking guidance with? Do we have a track record of succeeding where they’re trying to grow?
2. Caring enough to solve real problems
I care about the people I serve. I want them to succeed, and I want them to move beyond a world of theory into the day-to-day practices that will help them do something big.
Because I’ve been creating and publishing online content for many years, there are few problems I haven’t experienced at some point. I’ve been down the same road the people I’m trying to help are going down, and I make it my goal to be a practical coach who cares enough to solve real, not theoretical problems.
3. Being generous with what you know
There are two schools of thought in the online world. One is generous and the other is selfish. Some coaches and content creators are willing to help others from a spirit of generosity and they rejoice in the success of their clients. Others are willing to help up to a point but dread the thought of someone they’re helping pulling ahead of them in some way.
I’ve certainly experienced this. I have worked with generous coaches and selfish coaches. Generous coaches have earned my long-term business and endorsement. Selfish coaches have earned the exact opposite.
When you’re coaching, be generous with what you know. Don’t hold back and don’t throttle the help you’re equipped to offer.
4. Pricing your time fairly
How much is your time worth? There are probably people in your life who are more than happy to waste or misuse your time if you’re willing to allow them to do that. There are others who value your time and want to make a point to avoid wasting it or disrespecting your willingness to share it with them.
Ironically, many coaches struggle to put a value on their time even though it’s a very precious resource. For the sake of those you’re serving and for your own sake, price your time fairly.
How does pricing your time fairly help clients gain quick wins?
People value what they pay for and often devalue things that don’t cost them anything. When someone is paying you for your coaching assistance, they’re going to pay close attention to what you share, and they’re more likely to put it into practice.
5. Offering coaching bundles
Even though we’re talking about the subject of quick wins in coaching, it’s still wise to take a long-term approach to the coaching side of your business because if people like the way you’ve served them, they’re going to return to you for help again in the future.
It’s very likely that the quick wins you helped them achieve will contribute to the desire to form more of a long-term relationship. If so, let me encourage you to start offering coaching bundles. What’s that?
Coaching bundles are an opportunity for you to package multiple sources of content or multiple coaching sessions together at a reduced price. This may introduce your clients to some of your other content or courses, and it might help you to establish coaching as a more regular part of your weekly routine.
If you charge $200 for an hour of coaching, don’t be afraid to offer five hours of coaching for $900. And don’t hesitate to offer your courses and books to clients who are genuinely benefitting from the wisdom you’re sharing.
If you don’t offer coaching just yet, let me encourage you to consider adding it to the list of services you offer. The people you serve will benefit and so will you.
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