How to start and lead an online membership community

membership communities Mar 12, 2025

Years ago, when the Internet was new and people were still trying to decide if it was going to be around for the long haul or if it was really just a fad, I started daydreaming about some of the business concepts the Internet was making possible.  I formulated and attempted several ideas, and each of those ideas were met with various levels of success.  I believe it was possible to make a full-time living online, but I often felt like I was missing some important pieces to the puzzle.

In time, through much trial and error, I realized that making a living online is really about identifying the needs of others that you’re particularly gifted to serve, then delivering that service in a way that exceeds expectations.  As I began aggressively apply that concept to the work I was doing online, my income grew.  My level of personal satisfaction with my work began to grow as well because of the feedback I received from those I had successfully helped or served in some capacity.

When you set out to serve others, it’s wise to listen to what they have to say along the way.  They will give you valuable feedback that reveals where they would like you to begin serving them next.  That’s what happened to me several years ago in the world of online platform and online business development.  People I had been serving in other ways began asking me for help to build, grow, and monetize their online platforms like I had done for mine.  That feedback is what eventually birthed Platform Launchers, my online platform and membership community.

If you have been thinking about developing a membership community as well, let me share eight important concepts that I’ve learned about what it takes to lead a successful online membership.


1.  Identify a clear need that a community can help meet.

Some needs are particularly well-suited to be served by a community.  In my case, I was convinced that online platform development was one of those areas.  In a community, we can offer information, inspiration, and accountability.  I’m also convinced that those who take an active role in an online community tend to make faster progress than those who don’t.

If you can identify a clear need that can be well served by a community, you’re well on your way to developing a successful online membership.


2.  Establish your competency, visibility, and authority in that space.

If people are going to join what you’ve created, they have to have some level of trust that you actually know what you’re talking about.  That’s why it’s important to actually be competent in what you’re claiming to teach.  Your track record will demonstrate your competency.  My previous success in developing online platforms for myself contributed to the desire others had to learn from me.  

I also made a point to become highly visible in the online platform development space.  I did that through writing books on the subject, speaking at conferences, and making sure my content was easy to find online.  Visibility contributed to my authority, and I’m convinced that the authority we develop directly connects to the income we earn.


3.  Invest in software that makes for a great experience.

Before starting Platform Launchers, I led another online community that was geared toward helping people with their own spiritual growth.  I enjoyed the experience, and I’m certain it was beneficial for our members, but I grew increasingly frustrated with the software I was using to run that membership.  It was hard to use and confusing to make updates to it.

The software you select to run your online membership community should operate like your back office.  It should handle the processing of payments, hosting your website, selling your products and services, offering a video vault of content, hosting your podcast, managing your email list, and allowing members to easily connect with one another.

I had always heard that Kajabi was the best for doing all of these things, but it took me until 2021 to give it a try.  I can now confirm after using their software for multiple years to run two distinct online platforms, it is by far my favorite tool to use.  It’s easy for my members to navigate and it’s easy for me to utilize.  (Here’s my affiliate link if you want to give it a try. )


4.  Lead with a generous spirit.

If you start an online membership community, be prepared to lead people.  If you aren’t comfortable leading others, you probably won’t enjoy the ins and outs of running a membership community.  But if you like people, and you’re comfortable leading them, you’ll very likely enjoy leading a community.

When you lead, be sure to lead with a generous spirit.  Don’t be afraid to exceed member expectations.  Find ways to lead with a giving spirit.  You can be generous with your time, your resources, and your availability.  Leading with a generous spirit will have a positive impact on the culture of your community.


5.  Celebrate victories and progress.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of leading a membership community is the privilege to watch your members grow and succeed as they implement the ideas they gleaned from being part of your group.  Celebrate those victories.  Acknowledge their wins regularly.  A win for one member should be seen as a win for every member.  As we inspire each other through our successes, we lift each other up.


6.  Market through content creation, word of mouth, and guest appearances.

For your membership to grow, you need to spend time on marketing.  There are various ways to do so, but my favorite marketing approach is through creating content.  The beauty of content creation is that once it’s released, it doesn’t go away.  People can find what you’ve written and recorded long after it become public.  It’s essentially a permanent piece of Internet real estate.

Word of mouth is also particularly helpful.  As you serve people well, they will tell others about the work you do.  It’s also wise to make guest appearances on podcasts, YouTube channels, and blogs.  Each will help you spread word of what you’re doing.  Leveraging the reach of the audiences of others is a very effective approach to marketing.


7.  Offer a series of products and services at different price points.

When you start your membership community, you may have one primary offering.  That’s fine, but let me encourage you to offer additional options over time.  Ideally, you should offer lower-priced options that are content only, then scale the prices up based on how much of your time they may involved and how much accessibility to you that you’re offering.  My lowest price offer is currently $7.00.  My highest price offer is $3,600, but as you can imagine, that offer comes with a high amount of accessibility and individualized attention.


8.  Give yourself time to build momentum.

Finally, let me encourage you to remain prayerful, patient, and persistent as you build your community.  It takes time to build anything of value.  Don’t burden yourself with unrealistic expectations of momentum for your community building in a day.  It takes time to build momentum, but if you implement the suggestions I’m offering you here, I’m confident you’ll hit that tipping point soon enough.

Prayer, patience, and persistence are a powerful team when they work together.

© John Stange, 2025

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